How to Give Yourself a Hot Tub Pedicure

Every woman – and many a man – loves a pedicure, but they are expensive and time-consuming, so most don’t get as many as they’d like. If you own a hot tub, however, you have a great chance to up the amount of foot-pampering in your life by doing it yourself. Although it may at first sound daunting, your hot tub is the perfect accessory to at-home spa treatments.watermelon-pedicure

First, prep everything you’re going to need ahead of time: a few towels; nail trimmers; a nail file; cuticle scissors; a pumice stone; a moisturizing lotion; a bowl of cool water; and a bottle of nail polish (if you want to paint your nails; otherwise leaving them plain is fine). Set the temperature ahead of time so the hot tub will be ready when you are, and set all your supplies up on a tray or table next to your tub. Be sure to move hot tub covers out of the way so that you don’t trip or spill anything on them.

Start by soaking your feet for at least 15 minutes. Obviously this doesn’t mean you can’t soak the rest of your body, so hop on in and enjoy yourself. When you’ve sat for the required time, or longer, step back out and towel off. Wrap up in a robe to keep warm while you attend to the next step.

Trim your nails, if necessary, and file them to the desired shape. If necessary, use cuticle scissors to remove loose cuticle and hangnails from around your nail beds. Use a pumice stone to scrub calluses from heels, the sides and balls of your feet, and toes. Then dip your feet in the bowl of cool water and swish them around to avoid carrying any loose skin back into the hot tub with you.

Step back into the tub for another soak, this time staying in as long as you like. When you are done, step back out and dry off. Be sure to put the hot tub cover back onto the tub. Use a moisturizing lotion to soften and smooth your feet and lower legs, then pat them off with a clean towel. Use especial care with nails, as leaving lotion on them can cause polish not to adhere. Apply nail polish and voila: the perfect home pedicure.

Happy Tubbing!

Written by HotTubCoverPros

+Ethel writes about all things backyard with a focus on replacement hot tub spa covers. You can also chat with Ethel on Twitter!

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